The Rowntree Ancestors and Relations. 

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This work includes the branch of the family history can be considered as starting with Frederick Rowntree, the architect, and looking at his wife's family, the Grays, his ancestors and his descendants and some of the families that they married into.

Click on any of the blue boxes.

These include 

The Rowntrees 
of Risborough 

Based on the Genealogy of the Rowntrees of Risborough by Charles Brightwen & E.Margaret Sessions and includes such individuals as John Rowntree, Grocer of Scarborough, Joseph Rowntree of Chocolate fame, Seebohm Rowntree, social observer and writer and Fred Rowntree, architect.
The Carlile Family  A book called "The History of the Carlile Family (Paisley Branch) 1909" relates the history of the Carlile Family back to 844 and take us up to Mary Carlile who in 1822 married Rev Joshua Wilson, the father in law of Sam Begg
The Begg Family
The Gray Family
The Thorp Family
and then
The Marshall family through Paul Rowntree's marriage to Gwendolene Marshall.
and Wright family

Details of many of the Rowntree Family are given in the Bootham School Register. - Bootham Rowntrees

One of Paul Rowntree's offspring married a descendant of a family including artists, dramatists, musicians and engineers. This can loosely be described as the Dibdin Family and Relations. Much of the history of the members of this family is covered in this site.

An attempt to summarise all the family connections is shown
in the Family History Homepage